Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rava - pure Ruby JavaVM

Since JRuby 1.4.0, become_java! method has been available to use to create a real Java class from Ruby class. This new feature always reminds me "Rava," which was written by Koichi Sasada(Ko1) back in 2002. Ko1 is, of course, famous Ruby committer and the author of YARV. When the days that Ruby was infamous while Java was thriving, Ko1 wrote Rava. Although I could not make it work, I think the code itself is still worth glancing at.

- Rava / JavaVM on Ruby (2) (Rava version 0.0.2)
- Rava / JavaVM on Ruby (Rava version 0.0.1)

According to Ko1, Rava is pure Ruby JavaVM and joke software. He said in the article for a Japanese Magazine that Rava could load and interpret a Java class. Rava was not perfect but had basic features, for example:

  • interprets most of bytecode

  • invokes static/non-static methods

  • reads/writes static/non-static fields

  • handles exceptions

  • runs threads

Also, Ko1 created a prototype of a JIT compiler. He made all of those in a week or so. Ko1 explained that's Ruby.

Here're excerpts from the article about Rava in depth.

  • Operand Stack : Rava used Ruby Array to handle Java's operand stack since Ruby Array has enough feature to manage the stack.

  • Types and data: Rava mapped Java's primitive types to Ruby's Number or its descendant. Java's reference type was converted into a field and Ruby object that has a reference to the original object. Java's field was mapped to Hash with keys of field names.

  • Method invocation : Rava had its method frame as in below. JVM stack was in a single array, which includes operand stack.

  • [Rava Method Frame]
    +----------+ --
    operand stack --->| | |
    stack pointer --->+----------+ |
    invoker frame info --->| | | method fame
    +----------+ |
    local variable are --->| | |
    frame pointer ---> +----------+ --
    invoker method frame --> | |
    JVM stack

  • JIT compiler : Rava converted bytecode into an equvalent Ruby script. To choose what bytecode should be compiled, Rava had a profiler to count a number of method invocation.

JRuby interprets Ruby on Java, while Rava interprets Java on Ruby. JRuby's become_java! converts Ruby class into Java bytecode, while Rava's JIT compiler converts Java bytecode into Ruby class. Unlike JRuby, Rava was outdated, which is a big difference; however, exploring Rava code might be fun.

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