Friday, April 16, 2010

RedBridge, what are new and improved in JRuby 1.5.0RC1

As you may know, Tom Enebo announced the release of JRuby 1.5.0RC1 on Apr. 15 saying "aged like a fine wine." @headius tweated "Over 1250 commits for JRuby 1.5, our largest amount of work ever for any individual release." Also, RedBridge is. RedBridge has been improved since last release based on user inputs. It's API had many changes to become more useful and organized API. Although I've already written about all changes in this blog, I'm going to put them together here for convenience.

New and Deprected Configuration API
RedBridge in JRuby 1.5.0 has a lot of Ruby runtime configuration methods. Before, those were available through getProvider().getRubyInstanceConfig() method, however, this was not a good idea. Since the method exposes JRuby's internal API, users' code might be affected by internal API changes. This fact is against to the purpose of RedBridge. RedBrdige should cover JRuby's internal API and absorb internal changes so that users don't need to fix their code by themselves. Avoid using getProvider().getRubyInstanceConfig() method as much as possible. If you want more runtime configuration methods, please request us.

New runtime configuration methods of ScriptingContainer:

  • get/setInput
  • get/setOutput
  • get/setError
  • get/setCompileMode
  • get/setRunRubyInProcess
  • get/setCompatVersion
  • get/setObjectSpaceEnabled
  • get/setEnvironment
  • get/setCurrentDirectory
  • get/setHomeDirectory
  • get/setClassCache
  • get/setClassLoader
  • get/setProfile
  • get/setLoadServiceCreator
  • get/setArgv
  • get/setScriptFileName
  • get/setRecordSeparator
  • get/setKCode
  • get/setJITLogEvery
  • get/setJITThreshold
  • get/setJITMax
  • get/setJITMaxSize

Deprecated configuration methods:

  • getRuntime()
  • getProvider().setLoadPaths()
  • getProvider().setClassCache()

Usage example:

[JRuby 1.4.0]
ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer();

[JRuby 1.5.0]
ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer();

New Options
Also, RedBridge got two new options: SHARING_VARIABLES and TERMINATION. The first, SHARING_VARIABLES, option turns on/off a sharing variables feature.This is an essential feature for some users while useless for other users. For those people, sharing variables is just a source of performance degradation. When the feature is turned off, the performance will be a bit better.
Usage example:

[Embed Core]
container.setAttribute(AttributeName.SHARING_VARIABLES, false);

engine.getContext().setAttribute("org.jruby.embed.sharing.variables", false, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

The second, TERMINATION, option is for JSR223 users to call terminate. This option was added in light of RedBridge's behavior change. This is a big change, so I'll discuss more about this.

Changed Behaviors

* No termination in each evaluation and method call

RedBridge in JRuby 1.4.0 always called Ruby runtime's terminate method at the end of each evaluation and method call. This was to execute at_exit blocks and release resources automatically. The idea came from JSR223 API, which doesn't have a terminate method defined. However, I eliminated this behavior in JRuby 1.5.0 for three reasons. The first one is for performance. The terminate() method is so slow and was the biggest culprit of bad performance. The more Ruby code uses ruby files, instance variables, etc, the more it takes time. The second one is to make RedBridge's behavior more natural. Since the terminate() method fires at_exit blocks automatically, users might have unexpected results when they use third party libraries. Users should have a chance to fire at_exit blocks by themselves. The third one is that JRuby's memory leak was fixed. Thus, RedBridge doesn't need to invoke the terminate method just for releasing resources. Make sure, you have the terminate method in the right place.

Usage examples:

[Embed Core]

ScriptingContainer container = null;
try {
container = new ScriptingContainer();
container.runScriptlet(PathType.CLASSPATH, testname);
} catch (Throwable t) {
} finally {


ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("jruby");
engine.eval("at_exit { puts \"#{$x} in an at_exit block\" }"); // nothing is printed here
engine.getContext().setAttribute(AttributeName.TERMINATION.toString(), true, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
engine.eval(""); // prints "GVar in an at_exit block"

* Global runtime

When a global ruby runtime exists on a single JVM, a singleton model of RedBridge uses the global runtime in JRuby 1.5.0. This works behind the scene and seems not so attractive, but is interesting. Here's a bit tricky usage:

$ pwd
$ jruby --1.9 -Ctest -S irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'java'
=> true
=> org.jruby.embed.ScriptingContainer@771eb1
irb(main):003:0> container.compat_version <---- --1.9 option
=> RUBY1_9
irb(main):004:0> container.current_directory <---- -Ctest option
=> "/Users/yoko/Tools/jruby-1.5.0.RC1/test"
irb(main):009:0> container.home_directory <---- jruby home
=> "/Users/yoko/Tools/jruby-1.5.0.RC1"
irb(main):010:0> container.run_scriptlet "at_exit { puts \"see you, later\" }"
=> #<Proc:0x88a1b@<script>:1>
irb(main):011:0> container.terminate
see you, later
=> nil

This new behavior might be useful in a complicated application.
However, you should be aware that setting a runtime configuration doesn't work if the global runtime is there already. This is because the runtime configuration is read only when the runtime is instantiated. You should be careful not miss the timing to set configuration.

* Lazy Runtime Initialization

RedBridge (in this case, I mean Embed Core) delays ruby runtime initialization as much as possible. This is to improve ScriptingContainer's start up time. You may know loading Ruby runtime is a huge job and takes pretty much time. This might cause frustration if it happens right after the ScriptinContainer gets started. The question is when runtime is up and running. Some of ScriptingContainer's methods will kick ruby runtime to wake up. Here's a list:

  • put()
  • runScriptlet()
  • setWriter()
  • resetWriter()
  • setErrorStream()
  • resetErrorStream()
  • setReader()

Thus, when you want configuration settings to work, you need to set them before these methods.
Meanwhile, JSR223 implementation doesn't delay ruby runtime initialization. It was not easy without breaking JSR223's requirement.

* Lazy Java Library Loading

Red Bridge doesn't load a java library while ruby runtime is initialized in JRuby 1.5.0. This is also for performance improvement. Loading libraries on to ruby runtime is quite a cumbersome job. Checking loaded library tables up to see whether a specified library has not yet loaded, judging how to load the library, then loading, caching... Even though Java library is not loaded while initialization, it will be loaded internally if necessary. Or you can load Java library explicitly:
container.runScriptlet("require 'java'");

Performance Tuning Tips
RedBridge's performance has been improved compared to older version, but you can tweak a bit more. For example, you can remove variables for sharing or clear sharing variable table at some point:
org.jruby.embed.ScriptingContainer#remove(String key)

RedBridge retrieves instance variables and constants as much as possible at the end of each evaluation and method call. All retrieved values are injected to runtime when the next script or method is evaluated. You can cut down the time for injection by removing unnecessary values.

Remaining jobs
RedBridge couldn't resolve all issues and has remaining jobs. Among them, OSGi and configuration on JSR223 impl would be two big issues. By the final release of JRuby 1.5.0, I want to improve these.

Finally, your input will help us to make RedBridge more perfect API. Give it a try and report us!


Unknown said...

Great stuff, thank you!

Eric Kramer said...

Well done! I've very excited where JRuby 1.5 is headed!!